The team

Dr. Eric Laarakker – Holistic veterinarian, Founder/ Owner of Healthcare-Academy Den Hoek

Eric Laarakker has been working as a holistic veterinarian and researcher ever since he graduated as a veterinarian from the Dutch University of Utrecht, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 1992.

During his veterinary medicine studies, Eric Laarakker got convinced that besides Western medicine, also other treatment methods and approaches – such as Chinese Medicine – are essential in order to be able to heal an animal or person in its totality. Therefore, after obtaining his degree in veterinary medicine, he followed courses in Chiropractics, Osteopathy, Manual therapies, Phytotherapy, Classic homeopathy, Chinese acupuncture, Japanese acupuncture, Neural therapy and other energetic treatments.

The knowledge and extensive practical experience in holistic veterinary medicine that he built up over many years has further developed and deepened his beliefs and visions in this field.

Over the years, Eric developed a holistic protocol, in which many therapies complement each other. As a result of this holistic protocol many horses, small animals and humans were treated successfully, even after having been ‘given up’ by regular Western veterinarians and medics.

As researcher, Eric is closely involved with the international research institute Water&Light Ltd. Water&Light conducts research on health and the quality of crops and food for humans and animals. At the Water&Light Laboratory, a technology platform has been created dedicated to the role of biophotonics, water, light and systems physiology in life sciences. This research is characterized by a multidisciplinary team from various universities and research companies. Its focus lies on the development of new concepts and breakthrough improvements in existing biophotonics technology.

In addition, as researcher/ developer Eric is very active in developing products and new treatment methods in Systemic Medicine. Amongst others, he has developed the Phytonics range, a series of 100% natural health products, in collaboration with the Dutch NML Health company. (

Eric is a teacher at several educational institutes, and he gives lectures in the Netherlands and abroad. He is author of the book ‘Horse Types’ (2007), in which he describes different characters of horses based on the 5 Chinese elements, available in Dutch and English. He is also the co-author of the book ‘Het tevreden paard’ (‘The Contented Horse’), about horse welfare in everyday practice, published in The Netherlands in 2009.

Eric is an inspired man, devoted to continuing his activities as veterinarian, researcher, developer and teacher. Besides that, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends, as well as going for a hack on his Arabian stallion Hassan.

 Claudia de Gooijer-Kant – Executive officer and teacher

As executive officer, Claudia is the main contact person within Healthcare-Academy Den Hoek for course participants, lecturers and external relations. After her Human Resource Management studies, she worked in that field at -among others- Oostnet Taxi / Connection (quality project) and Akzo Nobel Information Services (HRM planning of SAP consultants) for a number of years. After this, she went into the family business and together with her father she ran a driving school until its takeover, early 2001.

In 2000 she started to feel an inner drive to switch from commercial business to a more holistic healthcare-oriented  practice and lifestyle, and started a college course ‘Naturopathy in Animals’ (graduated in 2007). During this course she met Eric Laarakker and became inspired by his innovative visions and holistic healthcare. In September 2001 she started working as an assistant at the Holistic Practice for Animals and People Den Hoek. In 2006 she switched from working for the practice, to STEHD (Foundation Education in Holistic Veterinary Sciences), where she ran the daily business. Nowadays she is treasurer and secretary of this foundation. In 2011, the educational activities were transferred from STEHD to Healthcare-Academy Den Hoek, and she became the Executive Officer for this educational institute.

Besides coordinating the educational activities, she is also a teacher in the Connection Sensor course and Lecher Antenna course.

In 2015, she started at the College Education Zen-Shiatsu in Amsterdam, and graduated in June 2019. She established a small practice named Zencourage – for Zen-Shiatsu and holistic healthcare- at her home in Ruinerwold. She enjoys spending time with her family, friends and her animals (horses, lovely mini pigs, dogs, cats and a bunch of chickens).

Dr. Aleid Hillebrand – Holistic veterinarian, teacher and administrative assistant at Healthcare-Academy Den Hoek

After graduating from vet school in Ghent, Belgium, she moved to the UK and worked as a small animal veterinarian in several surgeries. Unfortunately, due to her health she was forced to stop working, but this gave her the opportunity to experience the value of holistic treatment first hand. After gradually getting better, she decided to study Veterinary Acupuncture at IVAS in the Netherlands. She became so enthusiastic about acupuncture and started to study acupuncture at TCMA in 2017, to gain more in-depth knowledge about acupuncture and the desire to treat people as well.

She now works as a small animal holistic vet, treating dogs, cats and rabbits and thoroughly enjoys seeing the positive effects of acupuncture and the holistic treatment on the animals. Besides, she helps Claudia in the Healthcare-Academy wherever there’s an extra hand needed.

She gives anatomy/ pathology classes as a guest teacher at a veterinary technician college (Wellant College), and has given several lectures, the most recent one being ‘Character Types Based on the 5 Elements in Dogs, Cats and Rabbits’; other topics include ‘Vaccination and Titer Testing in Dogs’; ‘CFS, Hypothyroidism, Fibromyalgia and Lyme’s disease’, together with Eric Laarakker; ‘Acupuncture and Neurophysiology’.

1992 – 1998 Veterinary Medicine
2014 Lecher Antenna Course
2015 Connection sensor course
2015 – 2017 IVAS Veterinary Acupuncture
2017 – present TCMA Acupuncture

Dr. Linda Boggie – Veterinary Acupuncturist (CVA, FAAVA), course coordinator and teacher TCM courses (Veterinary Acupuncture, Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine, Food therapy)

Dr. Linda Boggie graduated from Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1987. She became certified by the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS) in 1995 and incorporated acupuncture into her existing small animal practice. She completed the Chinese herbal course at the Chi Institute in 2004. In 2014 she became a Fellow of the American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncturists.
In 2003 she moved to The Netherlands and has an integrative practice in Deventer with her husband, a veterinarian specialized in dentistry and orthopedics in companion animals.
Since 1998 she has lectured for various acupuncture courses, advanced continuing education seminars, congresses and symposiums in the USA, Canada, Scandinavia and other countries in Europe, Australia, China and Taiwan.
An active member of the IVAS since 1995, she served as President from 2002-08 and remains involved as the Examination committee chair and member of the Board of Directors.
She enjoys Chinese veterinary medical practice, lecturing on Chinese medicine, acupuncture and the use of Chinese herbs in small animals. Any spare time is enjoyably spent with her husband, their Friesian horses, cat, two dogs, a Shetland pony and a goat.

Annette Denekamp – Acupuncturist, teacher workshop ‘Food According to the Five Elements’

After working as nurse and nurse anesthesist for more than 20 years, I decided to follow my heart’s desire and start the acupuncture course at TCMA in Amsterdam. I’ve been an acupuncturist since 2010 and since 2014 I work at Den Hoek as well. Besides, I am practical tutor at the TCMA (human acupuncture academy)

I attended several Continuing Education courses and seminars, amongst others: Advanced life support, acupuncture for gynecological and menopausal problems, Meridian Wave Acupuncture (a special technique for pain), Cosmetic and facial acupuncture, electroacupuncture. At the Healthcare-Academdy Den Hoek I completed the Connection sensor and lecher Antenna courses.

In 2016 I completed the course for Dorn-therapy. This is a subtle and effective manipulation technique with which several problems and misalignments of the spine and the pelvis can be treated. This method is safe and much softer than for example chiropractic manipulation.

Besides all methods of treatment as applied at Den Hoek, I have also specialized in the Food According to the Chinese Five Elements.

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